
The principle of "5R" in green environmental protection wooden box packing

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The principle of "5R" in green environmental protection wooden box packing

Release date:2016-12-06 source: click:

In today's world, more and more began to attach importance to the concept of green environmental protection, more and more industries began to advocate environmental protection packaging. In the green ideas advocated by the Environmental Protection Union on the wooden packaging also put forward the corresponding "5R" principle, they require:

1. Packaging lightweight (Reduce)


Means to meet the functional conditions, to minimize the use of packaging materials. It is understood that the experts in the strength of the corrugated cardboard test showed that: if the quantitative increase of corrugated paper 1g / m2, carton board can be quantified to reduce 1g / m2. Therefore, in the corrugated board production process using this method can achieve the lightweight packaging.

2. Material can be recycled (Return)


Refers to the use of packaging products recycling, reuse, processing into new packaging products. At present, the wood packaging materials recycling technology has been a certain development.

3. Reuse of materials


Refers to the use of all or part of the wooden box packaging products for recycling, not easily give up can be reused packaging products, thereby reducing the production of packaging products. Green packaging and distribution service is the use of these materials to transport customers to repair the printer, when the product to the hands of customers, the package and then brought back by the distribution staff to achieve re-use. In addition, the company recycles and recycles wooden crates in accordance with the requirements of the customers when the wooden crates are used for large-scale output machines.

4. Material can be recycled (Recycle)


Refers to the use of packaging products for recycling and reprocessing, so that it is used in different areas. As the composite material recycling technology in the realization of a series of problems, businesses began to use some of the material made of a single, recycling-friendly packaging, in order to achieve the recycling of materials. A pure polyester beverage bottle without a high-density polyethylene base has appeared on the market, and can replace some of the traditional hard-to-degrade plastic products with pulp-molded packaging.


5. Refuse to use non-ecological materials (Refuse)


Refers to the use of is not conducive to ecological development or can cause disease, pests and other packaging products. In the packaging materials, some as the importing country developed countries to prohibit or restrict some of the original packaging materials and part of the recycling of packaging materials made of packaging products (wooden boxes, straw bags, etc.)

"5R" principle is the product of the continuous development of China's economy, with more and more frequent import and export trade, the demand for wooden crates are also increasing. Only by adhering to the "5R" principle, the development of recycling of wooden crates, is to ensure the rapid economic development of the wise move. Suzhou wooden box

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