
Why is the wooden box for exit and exit frequently?

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Kunshan City, warehouse stewards Wood Products Co

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Why is the wooden box for exit and exit frequently?

Release date:2016-12-07 source: click:

According to AQSIQ outbound cargo phytosanitary violation information platform shows that in January to September this year, China's exports of goods due to the problem of wooden crates were abroad more than 120 batches, the main reason is the wooden box with bark , Carrying the epidemic, no fumigation certificate, no IPPC logo, IPPC logo does not meet the standard requirements or identification is not clear, etc., and the accompanying treatment measures include the destruction of wood packaging, re-pesticide treatment, returned, or even export Goods returned to the country together, the number of 55 batches have returned. The causes of such incidents, mainly in the following areas. Kunshan wooden boxes

First, enterprises do not understand the relevant international standards

Wood is widely used as the main cargo packaging, bearing, bedding and supporting materials in the world, in order to avoid the spread of pests in the process of circulation, to the inconvenience of international trade, the International Plant Protection Organization (IPPC) in 2002 The Code for the Management of Wood Packaging Materials in International Trade stipulates that wood packaging used for packaging or carrying goods for international trade shall be heat treated or fumigated in advance in accordance with international standards prior to exportation and shall be marked with IPPC. At present, the countries that have adopted this standard cover almost all the major countries of China's foreign trade.

Second, the export business concept of wood packaging ambiguous

Wood packaging materials in international trade management guidelines for the concept of wooden packaging is clearly defined, including for bearing, packaging, bedding, support, reinforcement of wood goods, such as wood, wooden crates, wooden pallets, wooden frame , Wooden barrels, wooden shafts, wooden wedges, dunnage, sleepers and lumber. Individual enterprises that in addition to wooden boxes and pallets are not outside the wood packaging of goods, so not according to international standards for pesticides and additional IPPC logo, resulting in quarantine failure in foreign countries.

Third, individual export enterprises ignore China's relevant inspection and quarantine laws and regulations, the lack of necessary quarantine awareness

In order to ensure the smooth customs clearance of export goods in the importing country, China has fully implemented the relevant international standards since July 1, 2006, and formulated the management measures for the quarantine treatment of wooden packaging for export goods. In accordance with this provision, The packing box shall be inspected by the inspection and quarantine department before the pesticide treatment by the wooden packaging production enterprise, and the enterprise shall not apply to the port inspection and quarantine department for customs clearance at the port, that is to say whether the exit wooden packing is carried out A pesticide treatment and the application of IPPC logo, entirely with the enterprise self-discipline and integrity. But some companies out of cost considerations or transportation time to consider deliberately avoid pesticide treatment, there are lucky, trying to muddle through the ports of importing countries.

Inspection and quarantine departments to remind the relevant enterprises, should keep abreast of the import and export of wood products in China and international regulations and the latest progress in the signing of international trade contracts, it is clear that the wooden crates inspection and quarantine requirements, the corresponding agreement Liability for breach of contract. Should also be noted that the relevant enterprises should strictly self-discipline, to avoid losses, resulting in unnecessary trade disputes and economic losses.

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